Mybosswas Quadradrive


Jeep ha lanciato “Jeep Active Team”, campagna per il mercato Italia dedicata al mondo dell’active sport.

Mybosswas Quadradrive insieme a WPP ha diretto e prodotto una serie di contenuti sporteinment video e fotografici, protagonisti quattro ambassador d’eccezione intenti a superare se stessi e i propri limiti nelle loro discipline sportive.

Fango, roccia, polvere e tanta acqua hanno messo alla prova la crew e i protagonisti.

Jeep has launched “Jeep Active Team”, a campaign for the Italian market dedicated to the world of active sport.

Mybosswas Quadradrive, together with WPP, has directed and produced a series of sport-related video and photographic content, starring four exceptional ambassadors aiming at going beyond their limits in their sports disciplines.

Mud, rock, dust and lots of water tested the crew and the protagonists.

Direction & dop:
Federico Biasin

Project management
Marco Quartana

Direction of production
Cristina Sangiorgio

Video makers
Enrico Aleotti, Riccardo Fasano

Cosimo Maffione

Via Cecchi 63 int.1, 10152, Torino
+39 011 0200115
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